Friday, October 16, 2009

Oct. 16th, 2009 - My life in a male chastity device

Oct. 16th, 2009

WOW, I'm horny and there isn't a dam thing I can do about it. While away on my work trips one of things I've done in the past is to masturbate and for obvious reason that simply isn't happening. Talk about wanting my wife. I feel like a racehorse waiting at the starting gate. Just to pleasure her with her having all the orgasms would be something (actually that would be simply amazing). Outside of me writing my blogs I've been able to stay pretty productive with work and in other artistic outlets. Not much choice seeing there is no giving myself any pleasure through masturbation.

True 24/7 chastity play I am finding is a mind blowing experience. To tease myself with thoughts of release is tortuous and exciting but for the most part I simply try to keep it cool and get my mind on other things outside of having an orgasms. Amazing how much a guy can think about sex. While it's nice that I'm forced to put my focus elsewhere (meaning the more productive things in life) it is OMG hard not to want to explode with a massive orgasm.

I've found that I can have mini orgasms through teasing but this is a very frustrating way to go sometimes. After my wonderful wife DD tease the crap out of me the other night I did cum (sort of), but it's not the type of cum most people think about. It was more of a milking. My cum is extracted but in a very different form. It's in a very clear form that only lets out a little at a time. This type of orgasm can be wildly intense. The cum is stringy, thin and clear and can stretch out for a few feet at times (for real). Stretched out it looks like a stran of a spiders web. Once after having fantastic mini orgasms simply by pleasing my wife with head rubs (just caressing and touching her drove me WILD) I went to the bathroom. To my amazement after peeing there was a stream of clear cum running from the head of my penis all the way down into the toilet. I knew exactly what it was from. These types of orgasms are nothing like anything I've ever experienced before. Don't get me wrong, not being able to have the type of thrusting, wham bam thank you mam orgasms a man gets from masturbation or having sex with his wife is very much missed, but really the intensity of these new types of orgasms, well.... let's just say I have a tough time putting the them into words. My guess is it's probably more the type of orgasm a woman would have, being that they are multiple and very intense at times. Again it's extremely hard to describe my newly found intense orgasms.

I can't wait to get home from my trip and caress my amazing DD some more. For any woman out there they may be reading this... if your man would ever agree to this type of play, well lets just say you'll get attention from him he never thought he would ever be able or want to give. It's amazing feeling from the males end. Wanting so much to cater to his wife with caresses, or cleaning the kitchen, making breakfast in bed, or running errands to the store where you know she would of had to do it in the past. All these things and more are amazing and I am proud and honored to be my wife's submissive in chastity.

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